Source code for transmission_rpc.client

# Copyright (c) 2020 littleya <>
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Trim21 <>
# Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Erik Svensson <>
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import os
import re
import json
import time
import types
import base64
import string
import logging
import pathlib
import operator
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Type, Tuple, Union, BinaryIO, Optional, Sequence
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse

import yarl
import requests
import requests.auth

from transmission_rpc.error import TransmissionError
from transmission_rpc.utils import (
    LOGGER, rpc_bool, get_arguments, make_rpc_name, argument_value_convert
from transmission_rpc.session import Session
from transmission_rpc.torrent import Torrent
from transmission_rpc.constants import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
from transmission_rpc.decorator import kwarg, replaced_by
from transmission_rpc.lib_types import File, Field, _Timeout

valid_hash_char = string.digits + string.ascii_letters

    from typing_extensions import Literal

_TorrentID = Union[int, str]
_TorrentIDs = Union[str, _TorrentID, List[_TorrentID], None]

def ensure_location_str(s: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> str:
    if isinstance(s, pathlib.Path):
        return str(s.absolute())
    return str(s)

def _parse_torrent_id(raw_torrent_id: Union[int, str, Field]) -> Union[int, str]:
    if isinstance(raw_torrent_id, int):
        if raw_torrent_id >= 0:
            return raw_torrent_id
    elif isinstance(raw_torrent_id, str):
        if len(raw_torrent_id) != 40 or (set(raw_torrent_id) - set(valid_hash_char)):
            raise ValueError(f'torrent ids {raw_torrent_id} if not a valid sha1 hash')
        return raw_torrent_id
    elif isinstance(raw_torrent_id, Field):
        return _parse_torrent_id(raw_torrent_id.value)
    raise ValueError(f'{raw_torrent_id} is not valid torrent id')

def _parse_torrent_ids(args: Any) -> Union[str, List[Union[str, int]]]:
    if args is None:
        return []
    if isinstance(args, int):
        return [_parse_torrent_id(args)]
    elif isinstance(args, str):
        if args == 'recently-active':
            return args
        return [_parse_torrent_id(args)]
    elif isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
        return [_parse_torrent_id(item) for item in args]
    raise ValueError(f'Invalid torrent id {args}')

[docs]class Client: def __init__( self, *, protocol: "Literal['http', 'https']" = 'http', username: str = None, password: str = None, host: str = '', port: int = 9091, path: str = '/transmission/', timeout: Union[int, float] = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, logger: logging.Logger = LOGGER ): if isinstance(logger, logging.Logger): self.logger = logger else: raise TypeError( 'logger must be instance of `logging.Logger`, ' 'default: logging.getLogger(\'transmission-rpc\')' ) self._query_timeout: _Timeout = timeout url = scheme=protocol, user=username, password=password, host=host, port=port, path=urljoin(path, 'rpc') ) self.url = str(url) self._sequence = 0 self.session: Session = Session(self) self.session_id = '0' self.server_version: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None self.protocol_version: Optional[int] = None self._http_session = requests.Session() self.get_session() self.torrent_get_arguments = get_arguments('torrent-get', self.rpc_version) @property def timeout(self) -> _Timeout: """ Get current timeout for HTTP queries. """ return self._query_timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, value: _Timeout) -> None: """ Set timeout for HTTP queries. """ if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): if len(value) != 2: raise ValueError('timeout tuple can only include 2 numbers elements') for v in value: if not isinstance(v, (float, int)): raise ValueError('element of timeout tuple can only be int of float') self._query_timeout = (value[0], value[1]) # for type checker elif value is None: self._query_timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT else: self._query_timeout = float(value) @timeout.deleter def timeout(self) -> None: """ Reset the HTTP query timeout to the default. """ self._query_timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT @property def _http_header(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return {'x-transmission-session-id': self.session_id} def _http_query(self, query: Any, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> str: """ Query Transmission through HTTP. """ request_count = 0 if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout while True: if request_count >= 10: raise TransmissionError('too much request, try enable logger to see what happened') self.logger.debug({ 'url': self.url, 'headers': self._http_header, 'data': json.loads(query), 'timeout': timeout, }) request_count += 1 r = self.url, headers=self._http_header, json=json.loads(query), timeout=timeout ) self.session_id = r.headers.get('X-Transmission-Session-Id', '0') self.logger.debug(r.text) if r.status_code == 401: self.logger.debug(r.request.headers) raise TransmissionError('transmission daemon require auth', original=r) if r.status_code != 409: return r.text def _request( self, method: str, arguments: Dict[str, Any] = None, ids: _TorrentIDs = None, require_ids: bool = False, timeout: _Timeout = None ) -> dict: """ Send json-rpc request to Transmission using http POST :type arguments: object :type method: str """ if not isinstance(method, str): raise ValueError('request takes method as string') if arguments is None: arguments = {} if not isinstance(arguments, dict): raise ValueError('request takes arguments as dict') arguments = {key.replace('_', '-'): value for key, value in arguments.items()} ids = _parse_torrent_ids(ids) if len(ids) > 0: arguments['ids'] = ids elif require_ids: raise ValueError('request require ids') query = json.dumps({'tag': self._sequence, 'method': method, 'arguments': arguments}) self._sequence += 1 start = time.time() http_data = self._http_query(query, timeout) elapsed = time.time() - start'http request took %.3f s' % elapsed) try: data: dict = json.loads(http_data) except ValueError as error: self.logger.error('Error: ' + str(error)) self.logger.error('Request: \"%s\"' % query) self.logger.error('HTTP data: \"%s\"' % http_data) raise ValueError from error self.logger.debug(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) if 'result' in data: if data['result'] != 'success': raise TransmissionError('Query failed with result \"%s\".' % (data['result'])) else: raise TransmissionError('Query failed without result.') results = {} if method == 'torrent-get': for item in data['arguments']['torrents']: results[item['id']] = Torrent(self, item) if self.protocol_version == 2 and 'peers' not in item: self.protocol_version = 1 elif method == 'torrent-add': item = None if 'torrent-added' in data['arguments']: item = data['arguments']['torrent-added'] elif 'torrent-duplicate' in data['arguments']: item = data['arguments']['torrent-duplicate'] if item: results[item['id']] = Torrent(self, item) else: raise TransmissionError('Invalid torrent-add response.') elif method == 'session-get': self._update_session(data['arguments']) elif method == 'session-stats': # older versions of T has the return data in "session-stats" if 'session-stats' in data['arguments']: self._update_session(data['arguments']['session-stats']) else: self._update_session(data['arguments']) elif method in ('port-test', 'blocklist-update', 'free-space', 'torrent-rename-path'): results = data['arguments'] else: return data return results def _update_session(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Update session data. """ if self.session: self.session.from_request(data) else: self.session = Session(self, data) def _update_server_version(self) -> None: """Decode the Transmission version string, if available.""" if self.server_version is None: version_major = 1 version_minor = 30 version_changeset = 0 version_parser = re.compile(r'(\d).(\d+) \((\d+)\)') if hasattr(self.session, 'version'): match = version_parser.match(self.session.version) if match: version_major = int( version_minor = int( version_changeset = int( self.server_version = (version_major, version_minor, version_changeset) @property def rpc_version(self) -> int: """ Get the Transmission RPC version. Trying to deduct if the server don't have a version value. """ if self.protocol_version is None: # Ugly fix for 2.20 - 2.22 reporting rpc-version 11, but having new arguments if self.server_version and ( self.server_version[0] == 2 and self.server_version[1] in [20, 21, 22] ): self.protocol_version = 12 # Ugly fix for 2.12 reporting rpc-version 10, but having new arguments elif self.server_version and ( self.server_version[0] == 2 and self.server_version[1] == 12 ): self.protocol_version = 11 elif hasattr(self.session, 'rpc_version'): self.protocol_version = self.session.rpc_version elif hasattr(self.session, 'version'): self.protocol_version = 3 else: self.protocol_version = 2 return self.protocol_version def _rpc_version_warning(self, required_version: int) -> None: """ Add a warning to the log if the Transmission RPC version is lower then the provided version. """ if self.rpc_version < required_version: self.logger.warning( 'Using feature not supported by server. RPC version for server %d, feature introduced in %d.' % (self.rpc_version, required_version) )
[docs] @kwarg('bandwidthPriority', 8) @kwarg('cookies', 13) def add_torrent( self, torrent: Union[BinaryIO, str], timeout: _Timeout = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> str: """ Add torrent to transfers list. Takes a uri to a torrent or base64 encoded torrent data in ``torrent``. You can find examples in test code `tests/ <>`_ Additional arguments are: ===================== ===== =========== ============================================================= Argument RPC Replaced by Description ===================== ===== =========== ============================================================= ``bandwidthPriority`` 8 - Priority for this transfer. ``cookies`` 13 - One or more HTTP cookie(s). ``download_dir`` 1 - The directory where the downloaded contents will be saved in. ``files_unwanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that shouldn't be downloaded. ``files_wanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that should be downloaded. ``paused`` 1 - If True, does not start the transfer when added. ``peer_limit`` 1 - Maximum number of peers allowed. ``priority_high`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have high priority. ``priority_low`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have low priority. ``priority_normal`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have normal priority. ===================== ===== =========== ============================================================= Returns a Torrent object with the fields. """ if torrent is None: raise ValueError('add_torrent requires data or a URI.') torrent_data = None is_url = False # torrent is a str, may be a url if isinstance(torrent, str): parsed_uri = urlparse(torrent) # torrent starts with file, read from local disk and encode it to base64 url. if parsed_uri.scheme in ['file']: filepath = torrent # uri decoded different on linux / windows ? if len(parsed_uri.path) > 0: filepath = parsed_uri.path elif len(parsed_uri.netloc) > 0: filepath = parsed_uri.netloc with open(filepath, 'rb') as torrent_file: torrent_data = base64.b64encode('utf-8') elif parsed_uri.scheme in ['https', 'http', 'magnet']: is_url = True if (not is_url) and (not torrent_data): # base64 encoded file content might_be_base64 = False try: # check if this is base64 data base64.b64decode(torrent.encode('utf-8'), validate=True) might_be_base64 = True except Exception: pass if might_be_base64: torrent_data = torrent # maybe a file, try read content and encode it. elif hasattr(torrent, 'read'): torrent_data = base64.b64encode('utf-8') if torrent_data: args = {'metainfo': torrent_data} else: args = {'filename': torrent} # type: ignore for key, value in kwargs.items(): argument = make_rpc_name(key) arg, val = argument_value_convert('torrent-add', argument, value, self.rpc_version) args[arg] = val return list(self._request('torrent-add', args, timeout=timeout).values())[0]
[docs] def remove_torrent( self, ids: _TorrentIDs, delete_data: bool = False, timeout: _Timeout = None ) -> None: """ remove torrent(s) with provided id(s). Local data is removed if delete_data is True, otherwise not. """ self._rpc_version_warning(3) self._request( 'torrent-remove', {'delete-local-data': rpc_bool(delete_data)}, ids, True, timeout=timeout )
[docs] def start_torrent( self, ids: _TorrentIDs, bypass_queue: bool = False, timeout: _Timeout = None ) -> None: """Start torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" method = 'torrent-start' if bypass_queue and self.rpc_version >= 14: method = 'torrent-start-now' self._request(method, {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def start_all(self, bypass_queue: bool = False, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Start all torrents respecting the queue order""" torrent_list = self.get_torrents() method = 'torrent-start' if self.rpc_version >= 14: if bypass_queue: method = 'torrent-start-now' torrent_list = sorted(torrent_list, key=operator.attrgetter('queuePosition')) self._request( method, {}, ids=[ for x in torrent_list], require_ids=True, timeout=timeout )
[docs] def stop_torrent(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """stop torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" self._request('torrent-stop', {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def verify_torrent(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """verify torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" self._request('torrent-verify', {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def reannounce_torrent(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Reannounce torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" self._rpc_version_warning(5) self._request('torrent-reannounce', {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def get_torrent( self, torrent_id: _TorrentID, arguments: Sequence[str] = None, timeout: _Timeout = None ) -> Torrent: """ Get information for torrent with provided id. ``arguments`` contains a list of field names to be returned, when None all fields are requested. See the Torrent class for more information. Returns a Torrent object with the requested fields. """ if not arguments: arguments = self.torrent_get_arguments torrent_id = _parse_torrent_id(torrent_id) if torrent_id is None: raise ValueError('Invalid id') result: Dict[str, Torrent] = self._request( 'torrent-get', {'fields': arguments}, torrent_id, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout ) if torrent_id in result: # todo return result[torrent_id] # type: ignore else: for torrent in result.values(): if torrent.hashString == torrent_id: return torrent raise KeyError('Torrent not found in result')
[docs] def get_torrents( self, ids: _TorrentIDs = None, arguments: Sequence[str] = None, timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> List[Torrent]: """ Get information for torrents with provided ids. For more information see get_torrent. Returns a list of Torrent object. """ if not arguments: arguments = self.torrent_get_arguments return list( self._request('torrent-get', {'fields': arguments}, ids, timeout=timeout).values() )
[docs] def get_files( self, ids: _TorrentIDs = None, timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> Dict[int, List[File]]: """ Get list of files for provided torrent id(s). If ids is empty, information for all torrents are fetched. This function returns a dictionary for each requested torrent id holding the information about the files. ... code-block:: python { <torrent id>: { <file id>: { 'name': <file name>, 'size': <file size in bytes>, 'completed': <bytes completed>, 'priority': <priority ('high'|'normal'|'low')>, 'selected': <selected for download (True|False)> }, ... }, ... } """ fields = ['id', 'name', 'hashString', 'files', 'priorities', 'wanted'] request_result: Dict[int, Torrent] = self._request( 'torrent-get', {'fields': fields}, ids, timeout=timeout ) result = {} for tid, torrent in request_result.items(): result[tid] = torrent.files() return result
[docs] def set_files( self, items: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]], timeout: _Timeout = None ) -> None: """ Set file properties. Takes a dictionary with similar contents as the result of ``get_files``. .. code-block:: python { <torrent id>: { <file id>: { 'priority': <priority ('high'|'normal'|'low')>, 'selected': <selected for download (True|False)> } ... } ... } """ if not isinstance(items, dict): raise ValueError('Invalid file description') for tid, files in items.items(): if not isinstance(files, dict): continue wanted = [] unwanted = [] high = [] normal = [] low = [] for fid, file_desc in files.items(): if not isinstance(file_desc, dict): continue if 'selected' in file_desc and file_desc['selected']: wanted.append(fid) else: unwanted.append(fid) if 'priority' in file_desc: if file_desc['priority'] == 'high': high.append(fid) elif file_desc['priority'] == 'normal': normal.append(fid) elif file_desc['priority'] == 'low': low.append(fid) args = {} if len(high) > 0: args['priority_high'] = high if len(normal) > 0: args['priority_normal'] = normal if len(low) > 0: args['priority_low'] = low if len(wanted) > 0: args['files_wanted'] = wanted if len(unwanted) > 0: args['files_unwanted'] = unwanted self.change_torrent([tid], timeout=timeout, **args)
[docs] @kwarg('bandwidthPriority', 5) @kwarg('downloadLimit', 5) @kwarg('downloadLimited', 5) @kwarg('honorsSessionLimits', 5) @kwarg('queuePosition', 14) @kwarg('seedIdleLimit', 10) @kwarg('seedIdleMode', 10) @kwarg('downloadLimit', 5) @kwarg('downloadLimited', 5) @kwarg('uploadLimit', 5) @kwarg('uploadLimited', 5) @kwarg('trackerAdd', 10) @kwarg('trackerRemove', 10) @kwarg('trackerReplace', 10) @kwarg('uploadLimit', 5) @kwarg('uploadLimited', 5) def change_torrent(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Change torrent parameters for the torrent(s) with the supplied id's. The parameters are: ============================ ===== =============== ============================================================= Argument RPC Replaced by Description ============================ ===== =============== ============================================================= ``bandwidthPriority`` 5 - Priority for this transfer. ``downloadLimit`` 5 - Set the speed limit for download in Kib/s. ``downloadLimited`` 5 - Enable download speed limiter. ``files_unwanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that shouldn't be downloaded. ``files_wanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that should be downloaded. ``honorsSessionLimits`` 5 - Enables or disables the transfer to honour the upload limit set in the session. ``location`` 1 - Local download location. ``peer_limit`` 1 - The peer limit for the torrents. ``priority_high`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have high priority. ``priority_low`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have normal priority. ``priority_normal`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have low priority. ``queuePosition`` 14 - Position of this transfer in its queue. ``seedIdleLimit`` 10 - Seed inactivity limit in minutes. ``seedIdleMode`` 10 - Seed inactivity mode. 0 = Use session limit, 1 = Use transfer limit, 2 = Disable limit. ``seedRatioLimit`` 5 - Seeding ratio. ``seedRatioMode`` 5 - Which ratio to use. 0 = Use session limit, 1 = Use transfer limit, 2 = Disable limit. ``speed_limit_down`` 1 - 5 downloadLimit Set the speed limit for download in Kib/s. ``speed_limit_down_enabled`` 1 - 5 downloadLimited Enable download speed limiter. ``speed_limit_up`` 1 - 5 uploadLimit Set the speed limit for upload in Kib/s. ``speed_limit_up_enabled`` 1 - 5 uploadLimited Enable upload speed limiter. ``trackerAdd`` 10 - Array of string with announce URLs to add. ``trackerRemove`` 10 - Array of ids of trackers to remove. ``trackerReplace`` 10 - Array of (id, url) tuples where the announce URL should be replaced. ``uploadLimit`` 5 - Set the speed limit for upload in Kib/s. ``uploadLimited`` 5 - Enable upload speed limiter. ============================ ===== =============== ============================================================= .. NOTE:: transmission_rpc will try to automatically fix argument errors. """ args = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): argument = make_rpc_name(key) arg, val = argument_value_convert('torrent-set', argument, value, self.rpc_version) args[arg] = val if len(args) > 0: self._request('torrent-set', args, ids, True, timeout=timeout) else: ValueError('No arguments to set')
[docs] def move_torrent_data( self, ids: _TorrentIDs, location: Union[str, pathlib.Path], timeout: _Timeout = None ) -> None: """Move torrent data to the new location.""" self._rpc_version_warning(6) args = {'location': ensure_location_str(location), 'move': True} self._request('torrent-set-location', args, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def locate_torrent_data( self, ids: _TorrentIDs, location: Union[str, pathlib.Path], timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> None: """Locate torrent data at the provided location.""" self._rpc_version_warning(6) args = {'location': ensure_location_str(location), 'move': False} self._request('torrent-set-location', args, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def rename_torrent_path( self, torrent_id: _TorrentID, location: Union[str, pathlib.Path], name: str, timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Rename directory and/or files for torrent. Remember to use get_torrent or get_torrents to update your file information. """ self._rpc_version_warning(15) torrent_id = _parse_torrent_id(torrent_id) dirname = os.path.dirname(name) if len(dirname) > 0: raise ValueError('Target name cannot contain a path delimiter') args = {'path': ensure_location_str(location), 'name': name} result = self._request('torrent-rename-path', args, torrent_id, True, timeout=timeout) return result['path'], result['name']
[docs] def queue_top(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Move transfer to the top of the queue:_Timeout.""" self._rpc_version_warning(14) self._request('queue-move-top', ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def queue_bottom(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Move transfer to the bottom of the queue.""" self._rpc_version_warning(14) self._request('queue-move-bottom', ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def queue_up(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Move transfer up in the queue.""" self._rpc_version_warning(14) self._request('queue-move-up', ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def queue_down(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Move transfer down in the queue.""" self._rpc_version_warning(14) self._request('queue-move-down', ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def get_session(self, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> Session: """ Get session parameters. See the Session class for more information. """ self._request('session-get', timeout=timeout) self._update_server_version() return self.session
[docs] @kwarg('alt_speed_down', 5) @kwarg('alt_speed_enabled', 5) @kwarg('alt_speed_time_begin', 5) @kwarg('alt_speed_time_day', 5) @kwarg('alt_speed_time_enabled', 5) @kwarg('alt_speed_time_end', 5) @kwarg('alt_speed_up', 5) @kwarg('blocklist_enabled', 5) @kwarg('blocklist_url', 11) @kwarg('cache_size_mb', 10) @kwarg('dht_enabled', 6) @kwarg('download_dir', 1) @kwarg('download_queue_enabled', 14) @kwarg('download_queue_size', 14) @kwarg('encryption', 1) @kwarg('idle_seeding_limit', 10) @kwarg('idle_seeding_limit_enabled', 10) @kwarg('incomplete_dir', 7) @kwarg('incomplete_dir_enabled', 7) @kwarg('lpd_enabled', 9) @kwarg('peer_limit', 1) @kwarg('peer_limit_global', 5) @kwarg('peer_limit_per_torrent', 5) @kwarg('peer_port', 5) @kwarg('peer_port_random_on_start', 5) @kwarg('pex_allowed', 1) @replaced_by('pex_allowed', 'pex_enabled', 5) @kwarg('pex_enabled', 5) @kwarg('port', 1) @kwarg('port_forwarding_enabled', 1) @kwarg('queue_stalled_enabled', 14) @kwarg('queue_stalled_minutes', 14) @kwarg('rename_partial_files', 8) @kwarg('script_torrent_done_enabled', 9) @kwarg('script_torrent_done_filename', 9) @kwarg('seed_queue_enabled', 14) @kwarg('seed_queue_size', 14) @kwarg('seedRatioLimit', 5) @kwarg('seedRatioLimited', 5) @kwarg('speed_limit_down', 1) @kwarg('speed_limit_down_enabled', 1) @kwarg('speed_limit_up', 1) @kwarg('speed_limit_up_enabled', 1) @kwarg('start_added_torrents', 9) @kwarg('trash_original_torrent_files', 9) @kwarg('utp_enabled', 13) def set_session(self, timeout: _Timeout = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Set session parameters. The parameters are: ================================ ===== ================= =========================================================== Argument RPC Replaced by Description ================================ ===== ================= =========================================================== ``alt_speed_down`` 5 - Alternate session download speed limit (in Kib/s). ``alt_speed_enabled`` 5 - Enables alternate global download speed limiter. ``alt_speed_time_begin`` 5 - Time when alternate speeds should be enabled. Minutes after midnight. ``alt_speed_time_day`` 5 - Enables alternate speeds scheduling these days. ``alt_speed_time_enabled`` 5 - Enables alternate speeds scheduling. ``alt_speed_time_end`` 5 - Time when alternate speeds should be disabled. Minutes after midnight. ``alt_speed_up`` 5 - Alternate session upload speed limit (in Kib/s). ``blocklist_enabled`` 5 - Enables the block list ``blocklist_url`` 11 - Location of the block list. Updated with blocklist-update. ``cache_size_mb`` 10 - The maximum size of the disk cache in MB ``dht_enabled`` 6 - Enables DHT. ``download_dir`` 1 - Set the session download directory. ``download_queue_enabled`` 14 - Enables download queue. ``download_queue_size`` 14 - Number of slots in the download queue. ``encryption`` 1 - Set the session encryption mode, one of ``required``, ``preferred`` or ``tolerated``. ``idle_seeding_limit`` 10 - The default seed inactivity limit in minutes. ``idle_seeding_limit_enabled`` 10 - Enables the default seed inactivity limit ``incomplete_dir`` 7 - The path to the directory of incomplete transfer data. ``incomplete_dir_enabled`` 7 - Enables the incomplete transfer data directory. Otherwise data for incomplete transfers are stored in the download target. ``lpd_enabled`` 9 - Enables local peer discovery for public torrents. ``peer_limit`` 1 - 5 peer-limit-global Maximum number of peers. ``peer_limit_global`` 5 - Maximum number of peers. ``peer_limit_per_torrent`` 5 - Maximum number of peers per transfer. ``peer_port`` 5 - Peer port. ``peer_port_random_on_start`` 5 - Enables randomized peer port on start of Transmission. ``pex_allowed`` 1 - 5 pex-enabled Allowing PEX in public torrents. ``pex_enabled`` 5 - Allowing PEX in public torrents. ``port`` 1 - 5 peer-port Peer port. ``port_forwarding_enabled`` 1 - Enables port forwarding. ``queue_stalled_enabled`` 14 - Enable tracking of stalled transfers. ``queue_stalled_minutes`` 14 - Number of minutes of idle that marks a transfer as stalled. ``rename_partial_files`` 8 - Appends ".part" to incomplete files ``script_torrent_done_enabled`` 9 - Whether or not to call the "done" script. ``script_torrent_done_filename`` 9 - Filename of the script to run when the transfer is done. ``seed_queue_enabled`` 14 - Enables upload queue. ``seed_queue_size`` 14 - Number of slots in the upload queue. ``seedRatioLimit`` 5 - Seed ratio limit. 1.0 means 1:1 download and upload ratio. ``seedRatioLimited`` 5 - Enables seed ration limit. ``speed_limit_down`` 1 - Download speed limit (in Kib/s). ``speed_limit_down_enabled`` 1 - Enables download speed limiting. ``speed_limit_up`` 1 - Upload speed limit (in Kib/s). ``speed_limit_up_enabled`` 1 - Enables upload speed limiting. ``start_added_torrents`` 9 - Added torrents will be started right away. ``trash_original_torrent_files`` 9 - The .torrent file of added torrents will be deleted. ``utp_enabled`` 13 - Enables Micro Transport Protocol (UTP). ================================ ===== ================= =========================================================== .. NOTE:: transmission_rpc will try to automatically fix argument errors. """ args = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == 'encryption' and value not in ['required', 'preferred', 'tolerated']: raise ValueError('Invalid encryption value') argument = make_rpc_name(key) (arg, val) = argument_value_convert('session-set', argument, value, self.rpc_version) args[arg] = val if len(args) > 0: self._request('session-set', args, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def blocklist_update(self, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> Optional[int]: """Update block list. Returns the size of the block list.""" self._rpc_version_warning(5) result = self._request('blocklist-update', timeout=timeout) return result.get('blocklist-size')
[docs] def port_test(self, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> Optional[bool]: """ Tests to see if your incoming peer port is accessible from the outside world. """ self._rpc_version_warning(5) result = self._request('port-test', timeout=timeout) return result.get('port-is-open')
[docs] def free_space(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], timeout: _Timeout = None) -> Optional[int]: """ Get the amount of free space (in bytes) at the provided location. """ self._rpc_version_warning(15) path = ensure_location_str(path) result: Dict[str, Any] = self._request('free-space', {'path': path}, timeout=timeout) if result['path'] == path: return result['size-bytes'] return None
[docs] def session_stats(self, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> Session: """Get session statistics""" self._request('session-stats', timeout=timeout) return self.session
def __enter__(self) -> 'Client': return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Type[Exception], exc_val: Exception, exc_tb: types.TracebackType, ) -> None: self._http_session.close()