Source code for transmission_rpc.utils

# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Trim21 <>
# Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Erik Svensson <>
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import datetime
from typing import Any, Tuple, NamedTuple

import transmission_rpc.constants as constants
from transmission_rpc.constants import LOGGER

UNITS = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB']

[docs]def format_size(size: int) -> Tuple[float, str]: """ Format byte size into IEC prefixes, B, KiB, MiB ... """ s = float(size) i = 0 while s >= 1024.0 and i < len(UNITS): i += 1 s /= 1024.0 return s, UNITS[i]
[docs]def format_speed(size: int) -> Tuple[float, str]: """ Format bytes per second speed into IEC prefixes, B/s, KiB/s, MiB/s ... """ (s, unit) = format_size(size) return s, unit + '/s'
[docs]def format_timedelta(delta: datetime.timedelta) -> str: """ Format datetime.timedelta into <days> <hours>:<minutes>:<seconds>. """ minutes, seconds = divmod(delta.seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) return '%d %02d:%02d:%02d' % (delta.days, hours, minutes, seconds)
[docs]def format_timestamp(timestamp: int, utc=False) -> str: """ Format unix timestamp into ISO date format. """ if timestamp > 0: if utc: dt_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp) else: dt_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) return dt_timestamp.isoformat(' ') else: return '-'
[docs]def rpc_bool(arg: Any) -> int: """ Convert between Python boolean and Transmission RPC boolean. """ if isinstance(arg, str): try: arg = bool(int(arg)) except ValueError: arg = arg.lower() in ['true', 'yes'] return 1 if bool(arg) else 0
TR_TYPE_MAP = { 'number': int, 'string': str, 'double': float, 'boolean': rpc_bool, 'array': list, 'object': dict, }
[docs]def make_python_name(name): """ Convert Transmission RPC name to python compatible name. """ return name.replace('-', '_')
[docs]def make_rpc_name(name): """ Convert python compatible name to Transmission RPC name. """ return name.replace('_', '-')
[docs]def argument_value_convert(method, argument, value, rpc_version): """ Check and fix Transmission RPC issues with regards to methods, arguments and values. """ if method in ('torrent-add', 'torrent-get', 'torrent-set'): args = constants.TORRENT_ARGS[method[-3:]] elif method in ('session-get', 'session-set'): args = constants.SESSION_ARGS[method[-3:]] else: return ValueError('Method "%s" not supported' % (method)) if argument in args: info = args[argument] invalid_version = True while invalid_version: invalid_version = False replacement = None if rpc_version < info[1]: invalid_version = True replacement = info[3] if info[2] and info[2] <= rpc_version: invalid_version = True replacement = info[4] if invalid_version: if replacement: LOGGER.warning( f'Replacing requested argument "{argument}" with "{replacement}".' ) argument = replacement info = args[argument] else: raise ValueError( f'Method "{method}" Argument "{argument}" does not exist in version {rpc_version:d}.' ) return argument, TR_TYPE_MAP[info[0]](value) else: raise ValueError('Argument "%s" does not exists for method "%s".', (argument, method))
[docs]def get_arguments(method, rpc_version): """ Get arguments for method in specified Transmission RPC version. """ if method in ('torrent-add', 'torrent-get', 'torrent-set'): args = constants.TORRENT_ARGS[method[-3:]] elif method in ('session-get', 'session-set'): args = constants.SESSION_ARGS[method[-3:]] else: return ValueError('Method "%s" not supported' % (method)) accessible = [] for argument, info in args.items(): valid_version = True if rpc_version < info[1]: valid_version = False if info[2] and info[2] <= rpc_version: valid_version = False if valid_version: accessible.append(argument) return accessible
[docs]class Field(NamedTuple): value: Any dirty: bool