Source code for transmission_rpc.client

# Copyright (c) 2020 littleya <>
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Trim21 <>
# Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Erik Svensson <>
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import os
import re
import json
import time
import types
import base64
import string
import logging
import pathlib
import operator
import warnings
import urllib.parse
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Type, Tuple, Union, BinaryIO, Optional, Sequence
from urllib.parse import quote, urljoin, urlparse

import requests
import requests.auth
import requests.exceptions
from typing_extensions import Literal

from transmission_rpc.error import (
from transmission_rpc.utils import (
from transmission_rpc.session import Session
from transmission_rpc.torrent import Torrent
from transmission_rpc.constants import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
from transmission_rpc.lib_types import File, Field, _Timeout

valid_hash_char = string.digits + string.ascii_letters

_TorrentID = Union[int, str]
_TorrentIDs = Union[str, _TorrentID, List[_TorrentID], None]

def ensure_location_str(s: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> str:
    if isinstance(s, pathlib.Path):
        return str(s.absolute())
    return str(s)

def _parse_torrent_id(raw_torrent_id: Union[int, str, Field]) -> Union[int, str]:
    if isinstance(raw_torrent_id, int):
        if raw_torrent_id >= 0:
            return raw_torrent_id
    elif isinstance(raw_torrent_id, str):
        if len(raw_torrent_id) != 40 or (set(raw_torrent_id) - set(valid_hash_char)):
            raise ValueError(f"torrent ids {raw_torrent_id} is not valid torrent id")
        return raw_torrent_id
    elif isinstance(raw_torrent_id, Field):
        return _parse_torrent_id(raw_torrent_id.value)
    raise ValueError(f"{raw_torrent_id} is not valid torrent id")

def _parse_torrent_ids(args: Any) -> Union[str, List[Union[str, int]]]:
    if args is None:
        return []
    if isinstance(args, int):
        return [_parse_torrent_id(args)]
    if isinstance(args, str):
        if args == "recently-active":
            return args
        return [_parse_torrent_id(args)]
    if isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
        return [_parse_torrent_id(item) for item in args]
    raise ValueError(f"Invalid torrent id {args}")

[docs]class Client: def __init__( self, *, protocol: Literal["http", "https"] = "http", username: str = None, password: str = None, host: str = "", port: int = 9091, path: str = "/transmission/", timeout: Union[int, float] = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, logger: logging.Logger = LOGGER, ): if isinstance(logger, logging.Logger): self.logger = logger else: raise TypeError( "logger must be instance of `logging.Logger`, " "default: logging.getLogger('transmission-rpc')" ) self._query_timeout: _Timeout = timeout username = ( quote(username or "", safe="$-_.+!*'(),;&=", encoding="utf8") if username else "" ) password = ( ":" + quote(password or "", safe="$-_.+!*'(),;&=", encoding="utf8") if password else "" ) auth = f"{username}{password}@" if (username or password) else "" url = urllib.parse.urlunparse( (protocol, f"{auth}{host}:{port}", urljoin(path, "rpc"), None, None, None) ) self.url = str(url) self._sequence = 0 self.session: Session = Session(self) self.session_id = "0" self.server_version: Optional[Tuple[int, int, Optional[str]]] = None self.protocol_version: Optional[int] = None self._http_session = requests.Session() self.get_session() self.torrent_get_arguments = get_arguments("torrent-get", self.rpc_version) @property def timeout(self) -> _Timeout: """ Get current timeout for HTTP queries. """ return self._query_timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, value: _Timeout) -> None: """ Set timeout for HTTP queries. """ if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): if len(value) != 2: raise ValueError("timeout tuple can only include 2 numbers elements") for v in value: if not isinstance(v, (float, int)): raise ValueError( "element of timeout tuple can only be int of float" ) self._query_timeout = (value[0], value[1]) # for type checker elif value is None: self._query_timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT else: self._query_timeout = float(value) @timeout.deleter def timeout(self) -> None: """ Reset the HTTP query timeout to the default. """ self._query_timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT @property def _http_header(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return {"x-transmission-session-id": self.session_id} def _http_query(self, query: dict, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> str: """ Query Transmission through HTTP. """ request_count = 0 if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout while True: if request_count >= 10: raise TransmissionError( "too much request, try enable logger to see what happened" ) self.logger.debug( { "url": self.url, "headers": self._http_header, "data": query, "timeout": timeout, } ) request_count += 1 try: r = self.url, headers=self._http_header, json=query, timeout=timeout, ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: raise TransmissionTimeoutError( "timeout when connection to transmission daemon" ) from e except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise TransmissionConnectError( f"can't connect to transmission daemon: {str(e)}" ) from e self.session_id = r.headers.get("X-Transmission-Session-Id", "0") self.logger.debug(r.text) if r.status_code in {401, 403}: self.logger.debug(r.request.headers) raise TransmissionAuthError( "transmission daemon require auth", original=r ) if r.status_code != 409: return r.text def _request( self, method: str, arguments: Dict[str, Any] = None, ids: _TorrentIDs = None, require_ids: bool = False, timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> dict: """ Send json-rpc request to Transmission using http POST """ if not isinstance(method, str): raise ValueError("request takes method as string") if arguments is None: arguments = {} if not isinstance(arguments, dict): raise ValueError("request takes arguments as dict") arguments = {key.replace("_", "-"): value for key, value in arguments.items()} ids = _parse_torrent_ids(ids) if len(ids) > 0: arguments["ids"] = ids elif require_ids: raise ValueError("request require ids") query = {"tag": self._sequence, "method": method, "arguments": arguments} self._sequence += 1 start = time.time() http_data = self._http_query(query, timeout) elapsed = time.time() - start"http request took %.3f s", elapsed) try: data: dict = json.loads(http_data) except ValueError as error: self.logger.error("Error: %s", str(error)) self.logger.error('Request: "%s"', query) self.logger.error('HTTP data: "%s"', http_data) raise ValueError from error self.logger.debug(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) if "result" in data: if data["result"] != "success": raise TransmissionError( 'Query failed with result "%s".' % (data["result"]) ) else: raise TransmissionError("Query failed without result.") results = {} if method == "torrent-get": for item in data["arguments"]["torrents"]: results[item["id"]] = Torrent(self, item) if self.protocol_version == 2 and "peers" not in item: self.protocol_version = 1 elif method == "torrent-add": item = None if "torrent-added" in data["arguments"]: item = data["arguments"]["torrent-added"] elif "torrent-duplicate" in data["arguments"]: item = data["arguments"]["torrent-duplicate"] if item: results[item["id"]] = Torrent(self, item) else: raise TransmissionError("Invalid torrent-add response.") elif method == "session-get": self._update_session(data["arguments"]) elif method == "session-stats": # older versions of T has the return data in "session-stats" if "session-stats" in data["arguments"]: self._update_session(data["arguments"]["session-stats"]) else: self._update_session(data["arguments"]) elif method in ( "port-test", "blocklist-update", "free-space", "torrent-rename-path", ): results = data["arguments"] else: return data return results def _update_session(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Update session data. """ if self.session: self.session.from_request(data) else: self.session = Session(self, data) def _update_server_version(self) -> None: """Decode the Transmission version string, if available.""" if self.server_version is None: version_major = 2 version_minor = 40 version_change_set: Optional[str] = None version_parser = re.compile(r"(\d).(\d+) \((.*)\)") if hasattr(self.session, "version"): match = version_parser.match(self.session.version) if match: version_major = int( version_minor = int( version_change_set = str( self.server_version = (version_major, version_minor, version_change_set) @property def rpc_version(self) -> int: """ Get the Transmission RPC version. Trying to deduct if the server don't have a version value. """ if self.protocol_version is None: # Ugly fix for 2.20 - 2.22 reporting rpc-version 11, but having new arguments if self.server_version and ( self.server_version[0] == 2 and self.server_version[1] in [20, 21, 22] ): self.protocol_version = 12 # Ugly fix for 2.12 reporting rpc-version 10, but having new arguments elif self.server_version and ( self.server_version[0] == 2 and self.server_version[1] == 12 ): self.protocol_version = 11 elif hasattr(self.session, "rpc_version"): self.protocol_version = self.session.rpc_version elif hasattr(self.session, "version"): self.protocol_version = 3 else: self.protocol_version = 2 if self.server_version and ( self.server_version[0] <= 2 and self.server_version[1] < 30 ): warnings.warn( "support for transmission version lower than 2.30 (rpc version 13) will be removed in the future", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return self.protocol_version def _rpc_version_warning(self, required_version: int) -> None: """ Add a warning to the log if the Transmission RPC version is lower then the provided version. """ if self.rpc_version < required_version: self.logger.warning( "Using feature not supported by server. RPC version for server %d, feature introduced in %d.", self.rpc_version, required_version, )
[docs] def add_torrent( self, torrent: Union[BinaryIO, str], timeout: _Timeout = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Torrent: """ Add torrent to transfers list. Takes a uri to a torrent or base64 encoded torrent data in ``torrent``. You can find examples in test code `tests/ <>`_ .. NOTE:: url starts with ``file://`` will be load by this package instead of transmission daemon Additional arguments are: ===================== ===== =========== ============================================================= Argument RPC Replaced by Description ===================== ===== =========== ============================================================= ``bandwidthPriority`` 8 - Priority for this transfer. ``cookies`` 13 - One or more HTTP cookie(s). ``download_dir`` 1 - The directory where the downloaded contents will be saved in. ``files_unwanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that shouldn't be downloaded. ``files_wanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that should be downloaded. ``paused`` 1 - If True, does not start the transfer when added. ``peer_limit`` 1 - Maximum number of peers allowed. ``priority_high`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have high priority. ``priority_low`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have low priority. ``priority_normal`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have normal priority. ===================== ===== =========== ============================================================= Returns a Torrent object with the fields. """ if torrent is None: raise ValueError("add_torrent requires data or a URI.") torrent_data = None is_url = False # torrent is a str, may be a url if isinstance(torrent, str): parsed_uri = urlparse(torrent) # torrent starts with file, read from local disk and encode it to base64 url. if parsed_uri.scheme in ["file"]: filepath = torrent # uri decoded different on linux / windows ? if len(parsed_uri.path) > 0: filepath = parsed_uri.path elif len(parsed_uri.netloc) > 0: filepath = parsed_uri.netloc with open(filepath, "rb") as torrent_file: torrent_data = base64.b64encode("utf-8") elif parsed_uri.scheme in ["https", "http", "magnet"]: is_url = True if (not is_url) and (not torrent_data): # base64 encoded file content might_be_base64 = False try: # check if this is base64 data base64.b64decode(torrent.encode("utf-8"), validate=True) might_be_base64 = True except (TypeError, ValueError): pass if might_be_base64: torrent_data = torrent # maybe a file, try read content and encode it. elif hasattr(torrent, "read"): torrent_data = base64.b64encode("utf-8") if torrent_data: args = {"metainfo": torrent_data} else: args = {"filename": torrent} # type: ignore for key, value in kwargs.items(): argument = make_rpc_name(key) arg, val = argument_value_convert( "torrent-add", argument, value, self.rpc_version ) args[arg] = val return list(self._request("torrent-add", args, timeout=timeout).values())[0]
[docs] def remove_torrent( self, ids: _TorrentIDs, delete_data: bool = False, timeout: _Timeout = None ) -> None: """ remove torrent(s) with provided id(s). Local data is removed if delete_data is True, otherwise not. """ self._rpc_version_warning(3) self._request( "torrent-remove", {"delete-local-data": rpc_bool(delete_data)}, ids, True, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] def start_torrent( self, ids: _TorrentIDs, bypass_queue: bool = False, timeout: _Timeout = None ) -> None: """Start torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" method = "torrent-start" if bypass_queue and self.rpc_version >= 14: method = "torrent-start-now" self._request(method, {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def start_all(self, bypass_queue: bool = False, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Start all torrents respecting the queue order""" torrent_list = self.get_torrents() method = "torrent-start" if self.rpc_version >= 14: if bypass_queue: method = "torrent-start-now" torrent_list = sorted( torrent_list, key=operator.attrgetter("queuePosition") ) self._request( method, {}, ids=[ for x in torrent_list], require_ids=True, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] def stop_torrent(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """stop torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" self._request("torrent-stop", {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def verify_torrent(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """verify torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" self._request("torrent-verify", {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def reannounce_torrent(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Reannounce torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" self._rpc_version_warning(5) self._request("torrent-reannounce", {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def get_torrent( self, torrent_id: _TorrentID, arguments: Sequence[str] = None, timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> Torrent: """ Get information for torrent with provided id. ``arguments`` contains a list of field names to be returned, when None all fields are requested. See the Torrent class for more information. new argument ``format`` in rpc_version 16 is unnecessarily and this lib can't handle table response, So it's unsupported. Returns a Torrent object with the requested fields. """ if not arguments: arguments = self.torrent_get_arguments torrent_id = _parse_torrent_id(torrent_id) if torrent_id is None: raise ValueError("Invalid id") result: Dict[Union[str, int], Torrent] = self._request( "torrent-get", {"fields": arguments}, torrent_id, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout, ) if torrent_id in result: return result[torrent_id] for torrent in result.values(): if torrent.hashString == torrent_id: return torrent raise KeyError("Torrent not found in result")
[docs] def get_torrents( self, ids: _TorrentIDs = None, arguments: Sequence[str] = None, timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> List[Torrent]: """ Get information for torrents with provided ids. For more information see ``get_torrent``. Returns a list of Torrent object. """ if arguments: arguments = list(set(arguments) | {"id"}) else: arguments = self.torrent_get_arguments return list( self._request( "torrent-get", {"fields": arguments}, ids, timeout=timeout ).values() )
[docs] def get_files( self, ids: _TorrentIDs = None, timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> Dict[int, List[File]]: """ Get list of files for provided torrent id(s). If ids is empty, information for all torrents are fetched. This function returns a dictionary for each requested torrent id holding the information about the files. See more detail in :py:meth:`transmission_rpc.torrent.Torrent.files` .. code-block:: python { <torrent id>: [ <File 0>, <File 1>, ... ], ... } """ fields = ["id", "name", "hashString", "files", "priorities", "wanted"] request_result: Dict[int, Torrent] = self._request( "torrent-get", {"fields": fields}, ids, timeout=timeout ) result = {} for tid, torrent in request_result.items(): result[tid] = torrent.files() return result
[docs] def set_files( self, items: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]], timeout: _Timeout = None ) -> None: """ Set file properties. Takes a dictionary with similar contents as the result of :py:meth:`transmission_rpc.client.Client.get_files`. .. code-block:: python { <torrent id>: { <file id>: { 'priority': <priority ('high'|'normal'|'low')>, 'selected': <selected for download (True|False)> }, ... }, ... } """ if not isinstance(items, dict): raise ValueError("Invalid file description") for tid, files in items.items(): if not isinstance(files, dict): continue wanted = [] unwanted = [] high = [] normal = [] low = [] for fid, file_desc in files.items(): if not isinstance(file_desc, dict): continue if "selected" in file_desc and file_desc["selected"]: wanted.append(fid) else: unwanted.append(fid) if "priority" in file_desc: if file_desc["priority"] == "high": high.append(fid) elif file_desc["priority"] == "normal": normal.append(fid) elif file_desc["priority"] == "low": low.append(fid) args = {} if len(high) > 0: args["priority_high"] = high if len(normal) > 0: args["priority_normal"] = normal if len(low) > 0: args["priority_low"] = low if len(wanted) > 0: args["files_wanted"] = wanted if len(unwanted) > 0: args["files_unwanted"] = unwanted self.change_torrent([tid], timeout=timeout, **args)
[docs] def change_torrent( self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """ Change torrent parameters for the torrent(s) with the supplied id's. The parameters are: ============================ ===== =============== ============================================================= Argument RPC Replaced by Description ============================ ===== =============== ============================================================= ``bandwidthPriority`` 5 - Priority for this transfer. ``downloadLimit`` 5 - Set the speed limit for download in Kib/s. ``downloadLimited`` 5 - Enable download speed limiter. ``files_unwanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that shouldn't be downloaded. ``files_wanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that should be downloaded. ``honorsSessionLimits`` 5 - Enables or disables the transfer to honour the upload limit set in the session. ``location`` 1 - Local download location. ``peer_limit`` 1 - The peer limit for the torrents. ``priority_high`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have high priority. ``priority_low`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have normal priority. ``priority_normal`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have low priority. ``queuePosition`` 14 - Position of this transfer in its queue. ``seedIdleLimit`` 10 - Seed inactivity limit in minutes. ``seedIdleMode`` 10 - Seed inactivity mode. 0 = Use session limit, 1 = Use transfer limit, 2 = Disable limit. ``seedRatioLimit`` 5 - Seeding ratio. ``seedRatioMode`` 5 - Which ratio to use. 0 = Use session limit, 1 = Use transfer limit, 2 = Disable limit. ``speed_limit_down`` 1 - 5 downloadLimit Set the speed limit for download in Kib/s. ``speed_limit_down_enabled`` 1 - 5 downloadLimited Enable download speed limiter. ``speed_limit_up`` 1 - 5 uploadLimit Set the speed limit for upload in Kib/s. ``speed_limit_up_enabled`` 1 - 5 uploadLimited Enable upload speed limiter. ``trackerAdd`` 10 - Array of string with announce URLs to add. ``trackerRemove`` 10 - Array of ids of trackers to remove. ``trackerReplace`` 10 - Array of (id, url) tuples where the announce URL should be replaced. ``uploadLimit`` 5 - Set the speed limit for upload in Kib/s. ``uploadLimited`` 5 - Enable upload speed limiter. ``labels`` 16 - Array of string labels. ============================ ===== =============== ============================================================= .. NOTE:: transmission_rpc will try to automatically fix argument errors. """ args = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): argument = make_rpc_name(key) arg, val = argument_value_convert( "torrent-set", argument, value, self.rpc_version ) args[arg] = val if len(args) > 0: self._request("torrent-set", args, ids, True, timeout=timeout) else: ValueError("No arguments to set")
[docs] def move_torrent_data( self, ids: _TorrentIDs, location: Union[str, pathlib.Path], timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> None: """Move torrent data to the new location.""" self._rpc_version_warning(6) args = {"location": ensure_location_str(location), "move": True} self._request("torrent-set-location", args, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def locate_torrent_data( self, ids: _TorrentIDs, location: Union[str, pathlib.Path], timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> None: """Locate torrent data at the provided location.""" self._rpc_version_warning(6) args = {"location": ensure_location_str(location), "move": False} self._request("torrent-set-location", args, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def rename_torrent_path( self, torrent_id: _TorrentID, location: Union[str, pathlib.Path], name: str, timeout: _Timeout = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Rename directory and/or files for torrent. Remember to use get_torrent or get_torrents to update your file information. """ self._rpc_version_warning(15) torrent_id = _parse_torrent_id(torrent_id) dirname = os.path.dirname(name) if len(dirname) > 0: raise ValueError("Target name cannot contain a path delimiter") args = {"path": ensure_location_str(location), "name": name} result = self._request( "torrent-rename-path", args, torrent_id, True, timeout=timeout ) return result["path"], result["name"]
[docs] def queue_top(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Move transfer to the top of the queue:_Timeout.""" self._rpc_version_warning(14) self._request("queue-move-top", ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def queue_bottom(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Move transfer to the bottom of the queue.""" self._rpc_version_warning(14) self._request("queue-move-bottom", ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def queue_up(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Move transfer up in the queue.""" self._rpc_version_warning(14) self._request("queue-move-up", ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def queue_down(self, ids: _TorrentIDs, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> None: """Move transfer down in the queue.""" self._rpc_version_warning(14) self._request("queue-move-down", ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def get_session(self, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> Session: """ Get session parameters. See the Session class for more information. """ self._request("session-get", timeout=timeout) self._update_server_version() return self.session
[docs] def set_session(self, timeout: _Timeout = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Set session parameters. The parameters are: ================================ ===== ================= =========================================================== Argument RPC Replaced by Description ================================ ===== ================= =========================================================== ``alt_speed_down`` 5 - Alternate session download speed limit (in Kib/s). ``alt_speed_enabled`` 5 - Enables alternate global download speed limiter. ``alt_speed_time_begin`` 5 - Time when alternate speeds should be enabled. Minutes after midnight. ``alt_speed_time_day`` 5 - Enables alternate speeds scheduling these days. ``alt_speed_time_enabled`` 5 - Enables alternate speeds scheduling. ``alt_speed_time_end`` 5 - Time when alternate speeds should be disabled. Minutes after midnight. ``alt_speed_up`` 5 - Alternate session upload speed limit (in Kib/s). ``blocklist_enabled`` 5 - Enables the block list ``blocklist_url`` 11 - Location of the block list. Updated with blocklist-update. ``cache_size_mb`` 10 - The maximum size of the disk cache in MB ``dht_enabled`` 6 - Enables DHT. ``download_dir`` 1 - Set the session download directory. ``download_queue_enabled`` 14 - Enables download queue. ``download_queue_size`` 14 - Number of slots in the download queue. ``encryption`` 1 - Set the session encryption mode, one of ``required``, ``preferred`` or ``tolerated``. ``idle_seeding_limit`` 10 - The default seed inactivity limit in minutes. ``idle_seeding_limit_enabled`` 10 - Enables the default seed inactivity limit ``incomplete_dir`` 7 - The path to the directory of incomplete transfer data. ``incomplete_dir_enabled`` 7 - Enables the incomplete transfer data directory. Otherwise data for incomplete transfers are stored in the download target. ``lpd_enabled`` 9 - Enables local peer discovery for public torrents. ``peer_limit`` 1 - 5 peer-limit-global Maximum number of peers. ``peer_limit_global`` 5 - Maximum number of peers. ``peer_limit_per_torrent`` 5 - Maximum number of peers per transfer. ``peer_port`` 5 - Peer port. ``peer_port_random_on_start`` 5 - Enables randomized peer port on start of Transmission. ``pex_allowed`` 1 - 5 pex-enabled Allowing PEX in public torrents. ``pex_enabled`` 5 - Allowing PEX in public torrents. ``port`` 1 - 5 peer-port Peer port. ``port_forwarding_enabled`` 1 - Enables port forwarding. ``queue_stalled_enabled`` 14 - Enable tracking of stalled transfers. ``queue_stalled_minutes`` 14 - Number of minutes of idle that marks a transfer as stalled. ``rename_partial_files`` 8 - Appends ".part" to incomplete files ``script_torrent_done_enabled`` 9 - Whether or not to call the "done" script. ``script_torrent_done_filename`` 9 - Filename of the script to run when the transfer is done. ``seed_queue_enabled`` 14 - Enables upload queue. ``seed_queue_size`` 14 - Number of slots in the upload queue. ``seedRatioLimit`` 5 - Seed ratio limit. 1.0 means 1:1 download and upload ratio. ``seedRatioLimited`` 5 - Enables seed ration limit. ``speed_limit_down`` 1 - Download speed limit (in Kib/s). ``speed_limit_down_enabled`` 1 - Enables download speed limiting. ``speed_limit_up`` 1 - Upload speed limit (in Kib/s). ``speed_limit_up_enabled`` 1 - Enables upload speed limiting. ``start_added_torrents`` 9 - Added torrents will be started right away. ``trash_original_torrent_files`` 9 - The .torrent file of added torrents will be deleted. ``utp_enabled`` 13 - Enables Micro Transport Protocol (UTP). ================================ ===== ================= =========================================================== .. NOTE:: transmission_rpc will try to automatically fix argument errors. """ args = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "encryption" and value not in [ "required", "preferred", "tolerated", ]: raise ValueError("Invalid encryption value") argument = make_rpc_name(key) (arg, val) = argument_value_convert( "session-set", argument, value, self.rpc_version ) args[arg] = val if len(args) > 0: self._request("session-set", args, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def blocklist_update(self, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> Optional[int]: """Update block list. Returns the size of the block list.""" self._rpc_version_warning(5) result = self._request("blocklist-update", timeout=timeout) return result.get("blocklist-size")
[docs] def port_test(self, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> Optional[bool]: """ Tests to see if your incoming peer port is accessible from the outside world. """ self._rpc_version_warning(5) result = self._request("port-test", timeout=timeout) return result.get("port-is-open")
[docs] def free_space( self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], timeout: _Timeout = None ) -> Optional[int]: """ Get the amount of free space (in bytes) at the provided location. """ self._rpc_version_warning(15) path = ensure_location_str(path) result: Dict[str, Any] = self._request( "free-space", {"path": path}, timeout=timeout ) if result["path"] == path: return result["size-bytes"] return None
[docs] def session_stats(self, timeout: _Timeout = None) -> Session: """Get session statistics""" self._request("session-stats", timeout=timeout) return self.session
def __enter__(self) -> "Client": return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Type[Exception], exc_val: Exception, exc_tb: types.TracebackType, ) -> None: self._http_session.close()