
class transmission_rpc.torrent.Torrent[source]

Torrent is a class holding the data received from Transmission regarding a bittorrent transfer.


setter on Torrent’s properties has been removed, please use Client().change_torrent() instead

__init__(*, fields)[source]

fields (Dict[str, Any]) –

property hashString: str

Torrent info hash string, can also be used as Torrent ID

property available: float

Availability in percent

property bandwidth_priority: Priority

this torrent’s bandwidth priority

property corrupt_ever: int

Byte count of all the corrupt data you’ve ever downloaded for this torrent. If you’re on a poisoned torrent, this number can grow very large.

property desired_available: int

Byte count of all the piece data we want and don’t have yet, but that a connected peer does have. [0…leftUntilDone]

property download_dir: str | None

The download directory.


transmission version 1.5.


RPC version 4.

property downloaded_ever: int

Byte count of all the non-corrupt data you’ve ever downloaded for this torrent. If you deleted the files and downloaded a second time, this will be 2*totalSize.

property edit_date: datetime

The last time during this session that a rarely-changing field changed – e.g. any tr_torrent_metainfo field (trackers, filenames, name) or download directory. RPC clients can monitor this to know when to reload fields that rarely change.

property error: int

0 for fine task, non-zero for error torrent

property error_string: str

empty string for fine task

property eta: timedelta | None

the “eta” as datetime.timedelta.

If downloading, estimated the timedelta left until the torrent is done. If seeding, estimated the timedelta left until seed ratio is reached.

raw eta maybe negative: - -1 for ETA Not Available. - -2 for ETA Unknown.


Get list of files for this torrent.


The order of the files is guaranteed. The index of file object is the id of the file when calling transmission_rpc.client.Client.set_files().

from transmission_rpc import Client

torrent = Client().get_torrent(0)

for file in enumerate(torrent.get_files()):
Return type:


property have_unchecked: int

Byte count of all the partial piece data we have for this torrent. As pieces become complete, this value may decrease as portions of it are moved to “corrupt” or “haveValid”.

property have_valid: int

Byte count of all the checksum-verified data we have for this torrent.

property honors_session_limits: bool

true if session upload limits are honored

property left_until_done: int

Byte count of how much data is left to be downloaded until we’ve got all the pieces that we want. [0…tr_stat.sizeWhenDone]

property metadata_percent_complete: float

How much of the metadata the torrent has. For torrents added from a torrent this will always be 1. For magnet links, this number will from from 0 to 1 as the metadata is downloaded. Range is [0..1]

property peer_limit: int

maximum number of peers

property peers_connected: int

Number of peers that we’re connected to

property peers_from: int

How many peers we found out about from the tracker, or from pex, or from incoming connections, or from our resume file.

property peers_getting_from_us: int

Number of peers that we’re sending data to

property peers_sending_to_us: int

Number of peers that are sending data to us.

property percent_complete: float

How much has been downloaded of the entire torrent. Range is [0..1]

property percent_done: float

How much has been downloaded of the files the user wants. This differs from percentComplete if the user wants only some of the torrent’s files. Range is [0..1]

property pieces: str

A bitfield holding pieceCount flags which are set to ‘true’ if we have the piece matching that position.

JSON doesn’t allow raw binary data, so this is a base64-encoded string. (Source: tr_torrent)

property queue_position: int

position of this torrent in its queue [0…n)

property rate_download: int

download rate (B/s)

property rate_upload: int

upload rate (B/s)

property tracker_list: List[str]

list of str of announce URLs

property torrent_file: str

torrent file location on transmission server



property webseeds_sending_to_us: int

Number of webseeds that are sending data to us.

property status: Status

Returns the torrent status. Is either one of ‘check pending’, ‘checking’, ‘downloading’, ‘download pending’, ‘seeding’, ‘seed pending’ or ‘stopped’. The first two is related to verification.


torrent = Torrent()
torrent.status == 'downloading'
property progress: float

download progress in percent.

property ratio: float

upload/download ratio.

property activity_date: datetime

The last time we uploaded or downloaded piece data on this torrent. the attribute activityDate as datetime.datetime in UTC timezone.


raw activityDate value could be 0 for never activated torrent, therefore it can’t always be converted to local timezone.

property date_added: datetime

raw field addedDate as datetime.datetime in utc timezone.

property added_date: datetime

When the torrent was first added.

property date_started: datetime

raw field startDate as datetime.datetime in utc timezone.

property start_date: datetime

raw field startDate as datetime.datetime in utc timezone.

property done_date: datetime | None

the attribute “doneDate” as datetime.datetime. returns None if “doneDate” is invalid.


Returns the attribute eta formatted as a string.

  • If eta is -1 the result is ‘not available’

  • If eta is -2 the result is ‘unknown’

  • Otherwise eta is formatted as <days> <hours>:<minutes>:<seconds>.

Return type:


property priority: str

Bandwidth priority as string. Can be one of ‘low’, ‘normal’, ‘high’. This is a mutator.

property seed_idle_mode: str

Seed idle mode as string. Can be one of ‘global’, ‘single’ or ‘unlimited’.

  • global, use session seed idle limit.

  • single, use torrent seed idle limit. See seed_idle_limit.

  • unlimited, no seed idle limit.

property seed_ratio_limit: float

Torrent seed ratio limit as float. Also see seed_ratio_mode. This is a mutator.

property seed_ratio_mode: str

Seed ratio mode as string. Can be one of ‘global’, ‘single’ or ‘unlimited’.

  • global, use session seed ratio limit.

  • single, use torrent seed ratio limit. See seed_ratio_limit.

  • unlimited, no seed ratio limit.

class transmission_rpc.torrent.Status[source]

A wrapped str for torrent status.

returned by Torrent.status

stopped: bool
check_pending: bool
checking: bool
download_pending: bool
downloading: bool
seed_pending: bool
seeding: bool
static __new__(cls, raw)[source]

raw (str) –

Return type:

