Source code for transmission_rpc.constants

# Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Trim21 <>
# Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Erik Svensson <>
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import enum
import logging
from typing import Dict, Optional, NamedTuple

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("transmission-rpc")

def mirror_dict(source: dict) -> dict:
    Creates a dictionary with all values as keys and all keys as values.
    source.update({value: key for key, value in source.items()})
    return source


class Priority(enum.IntEnum):
    Low = -1
    Normal = 0
    High = 1

# TODO: remove this in 5.0
TR_PRI_LOW = Priority.Low
TR_PRI_NORMAL = Priority.Normal
TR_PRI_HIGH = Priority.High

PRIORITY = mirror_dict({"low": TR_PRI_LOW, "normal": TR_PRI_NORMAL, "high": TR_PRI_HIGH})

# TODO: remove this in 5.0
TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL = 0  # follow the global settings
TR_RATIOLIMIT_SINGLE = 1  # override the global settings, seeding until a certain ratio
TR_RATIOLIMIT_UNLIMITED = 2  # override the global settings, seeding regardless of ratio

[docs]class RatioLimitMode(enum.IntEnum): """torrent radio limit mode""" #: follow the global settings Global = TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL #: override the global settings, seeding until a certain ratio Single = TR_RATIOLIMIT_SINGLE #: override the global settings, seeding regardless of ratio Unlimited = TR_RATIOLIMIT_UNLIMITED
# TODO: remove these in 5.0 RatioLimit = RatioLimitMode RATIO_LIMIT = mirror_dict( { "global": TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL, "single": TR_RATIOLIMIT_SINGLE, "unlimited": TR_RATIOLIMIT_UNLIMITED, } )
[docs]class IdleMode(enum.IntEnum): """torrent idle mode""" #: follow the global settings Global = 0 #: override the global settings, seeding until a certain idle time Single = 1 #: override the global settings, seeding regardless of activity Unlimited = 2
# TODO: remove these in 5.0 IdleLimit = IdleMode TR_IDLELIMIT_GLOBAL = IdleMode.Global # follow the global settings TR_IDLELIMIT_SINGLE = IdleMode.Single # override the global settings, seeding until a certain idle time TR_IDLELIMIT_UNLIMITED = IdleMode.Unlimited # override the global settings, seeding regardless of activity IDLE_LIMIT = mirror_dict( { "global": TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL, "single": TR_RATIOLIMIT_SINGLE, "unlimited": TR_RATIOLIMIT_UNLIMITED, } ) class Args(NamedTuple): type: str added_version: int removed_version: Optional[int] = None previous_argument_name: Optional[str] = None next_argument_name: Optional[str] = None description: str = "" def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"Args({self.type!r}," f" {self.added_version!r}," f" {self.removed_version!r}," f" {self.previous_argument_name!r}," f" {self.next_argument_name!r}," f" {self.description!r})" ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Args<type={self.type}, {self.added_version}, description={self.description!r})" class Type: number = "number" string = "string" array = "array" boolean = "boolean" double = "double" object = "object" TORRENT_GET_ARGS: Dict[str, Args] = { "activityDate": Args(Type.number, 1, description="Last time of upload or download activity."), "addedDate": Args(Type.number, 1, description="The date when this torrent was first added."), "bandwidthPriority": Args(Type.number, 5, description="Bandwidth priority. Low (-1), Normal (0) or High (1)."), "comment": Args(Type.string, 1, description="Torrent comment."), "corruptEver": Args(Type.number, 1, description="Number of bytes of corrupt data downloaded."), "creator": Args(Type.string, 1, description="Torrent creator."), "dateCreated": Args(Type.number, 1, description="Torrent creation date."), "desiredAvailable": Args(Type.number, 1, description="Number of bytes available and left to be downloaded."), "doneDate": Args(Type.number, 1, description="The date when the torrent finished downloading."), "downloadDir": Args(Type.string, 4, description="The directory path where the torrent is downloaded to."), "downloadedEver": Args(Type.number, 1, description="Number of bytes of good data downloaded."), "downloadLimit": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Download limit in Kbps."), "downloadLimitMode": Args( Type.number, 1, 5, description="Download limit mode. 0 means global, 1 means single, 2 unlimited." ), "downloadLimited": Args(Type.boolean, 5, None, None, None, "Download limit is enabled"), "editDate": Args(Type.number, 16), "error": Args( Type.number, 1, description="Kind of error. 0 means OK, 1 means tracker warning, 2 means tracker error, 3 means local error.", ), "errorString": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Error message."), "eta": Args( Type.number, 1, description="Estimated number of seconds left when downloading or seeding. -1 means not available and -2 means unknown.", ), "etaIdle": Args( Type.number, 15, description="Estimated number of seconds left until the idle time limit is reached. -1 means not available and -2 means unknown.", ), "files": Args(Type.array, 1, description="Array of file object containing key, bytesCompleted, length and name."), "fileStats": Args( Type.array, 5, description="Away of file statistics containing bytesCompleted, wanted and priority." ), "group": Args(Type.string, 17, description="The name of this torrent's bandwidth group"), "hashString": Args(Type.string, 1, description="Hashstring unique for the torrent even between sessions."), "haveUnchecked": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Number of bytes of partial pieces."), "haveValid": Args(Type.number, 1, description="Number of bytes of checksum verified data."), "honorsSessionLimits": Args(Type.boolean, 5, description="True if session upload limits are honored"), "id": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Session unique torrent id."), "isFinished": Args(Type.boolean, 9, description="True if the torrent is finished. Downloaded and seeded."), "isPrivate": Args(Type.boolean, 1, None, None, None, "True if the torrent is private."), "isStalled": Args(Type.boolean, 14, description="True if the torrent has stalled (been idle for a long time)."), "labels": Args(Type.array, 16, None, None, None, "array of string labels"), "leftUntilDone": Args(Type.number, 1, description="Number of bytes left until the download is done."), "magnetLink": Args(Type.string, 7, None, None, None, "The magnet link for this torrent."), "manualAnnounceTime": Args(Type.number, 1, description="The time until you manually ask for more peers."), "maxConnectedPeers": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Maximum of connected peers."), "metadataPercentComplete": Args(Type.number, 7, description="Download progress of metadata. 0.0 to 1.0."), "name": Args(Type.string, 1, None, None, None, "Torrent name."), "peer-limit": Args(Type.number, 5, None, None, None, "Maximum number of peers."), "peers": Args(Type.array, 2, None, None, None, "Array of peer objects."), "peersConnected": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Number of peers we are connected to."), "peersFrom": Args(Type.object, 1, description="Object containing download peers counts for different peer types."), "peersGettingFromUs": Args(Type.number, 1, description="Number of peers we are sending data to."), "peersSendingToUs": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Number of peers sending to us"), "percentComplete": Args(Type.double, 17), "percentDone": Args(Type.double, 5, description="Download progress of selected files. 0.0 to 1.0."), "pieces": Args(Type.string, 5, description="String with base64 encoded bitfield indicating finished pieces."), "pieceCount": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Number of pieces."), "pieceSize": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Number of bytes in a piece."), "priorities": Args(Type.array, 1, None, None, None, "Array of file priorities."), "primary-mime-type": Args(Type.string, 17), "queuePosition": Args(Type.number, 14, None, None, None, "The queue position."), "rateDownload": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "(B/s)"), "rateUpload": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "(B/s)"), "recheckProgress": Args(Type.double, 1, None, None, None, "Progress of recheck. 0.0 to 1.0."), "secondsDownloading": Args(Type.number, 15, None, None, None, ""), "secondsSeeding": Args(Type.number, 15, None, None, None, ""), "seedIdleLimit": Args(Type.number, 10, None, None, None, "Idle limit in minutes."), "seedIdleMode": Args(Type.number, 10, description="Use global (0), torrent (1), or unlimited (2) limit."), "seedRatioLimit": Args(Type.double, 5, None, None, None, "Seed ratio limit."), "seedRatioMode": Args(Type.number, 5, description="Use global (0), torrent (1), or unlimited (2) limit."), "sizeWhenDone": Args(Type.number, 1, description="Size of the torrent download in bytes."), "startDate": Args(Type.number, 1, description="The date when the torrent was last started."), "status": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Current status, see source"), "trackers": Args(Type.array, 1, None, None, None, "Array of tracker objects."), "trackerStats": Args(Type.object, 7, description="Array of object containing tracker statistics."), "totalSize": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Total size of the torrent in bytes"), "torrentFile": Args(Type.string, 5, None, None, None, "Path to .torrent file."), "uploadedEver": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Number of bytes uploaded, ever."), "uploadLimit": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Upload limit in Kbps"), "uploadLimited": Args(Type.boolean, 5, None, None, None, "Upload limit enabled."), "uploadRatio": Args(Type.double, 1, None, None, None, "Seed ratio."), "wanted": Args(Type.array, 1, description="Array of booleans indicated wanted files."), "webseeds": Args(Type.array, 1, None, None, None, "Array of webseeds objects"), "webseedsSendingToUs": Args(Type.number, 1, None, None, None, "Number of webseeds seeding to us."), "file-count": Args(Type.number, 17), "trackerList": Args( Type.array, 17, description="A Iterable[Iterable[str]] for a set of announce URLs, each inner list is for a tier", ), } class RpcMethod(str, enum.Enum): SessionSet = "session-set" SessionGet = "session-get" SessionStats = "session-stats" TorrentGet = "torrent-get" TorrentAdd = "torrent-add" TorrentSet = "torrent-set" TorrentRemove = "torrent-remove" TorrentStart = "torrent-start" TorrentStartNow = "torrent-start-now" # added in 2.40 TorrentStop = "torrent-stop" TorrentVerify = "torrent-verify" TorrentReannounce = "torrent-reannounce" TorrentSetLocation = "torrent-set-location" TorrentRenamePath = "torrent-rename-path" QueueMoveTop = "queue-move-top" QueueMoveBottom = "queue-move-bottom" QueueMoveUp = "queue-move-up" QueueMoveDown = "queue-move-down" GroupSet = "group-set" GroupGet = "group-get" FreeSpace = "free-space" PortTest = "port-test" BlocklistUpdate = "blocklist-update"